Join the Campaign to Draft Jay Leno as a Presidential Candidate!
Jay Leno would make a much better president than any Democratic or Republican candidate. That's why millions have joined the grassroots campaign to draft Jay as a presidential candidate.

Jay’s got what no other candidate can offer, the ability to make people laugh. His humor and insights on important issues show that Jay has the understanding, intelligence, and compassion to help Americans feel great about their country and themselves.

So join us and help draft Jay
Leno as our presidential candidate.

Jay Leno for President Campaign Refuses to Hire McCain's Ex-Staffers

The Jay Leno for President campaign said today that it will not hire any of the key staffers who quit John McCain's presidential campaign earlier this week.

"They'll have to look for jobs elsewhere," said Jay Leno for President campaign chairman Howard Lester, "because our campaign is way too strong without them and we don't want to lose ground by bringing these people aboard." Lester was referring to McCain's campaign manager Terry Nelson, chief strategist John Weaver, and at least five other senior aids and strategists, all of whom resigned amid McCain's growing campaign woes.

"I'm sure they're all intelligent, well-meaning people," Lester continued, "but look at the sorry state of McCain's campaign and you'll know why we'd never hire them. Their sole objective of raising and spending tens of millions of dollars to push a weak candidate, like McCain, is all wrong. Frankly, it would never fit with our campaign's mission."

While building the support millions of people, the Jay Leno for President campaign has held fast to its original mission of raising and spending no money to draft Jay as a presidential candidate. To date, the campaign has not raised or spent a penny, nickel, or even a dime.

"Actually, not having any money to pay these political hot-shots who come knocking on our doors for a job has been great deterrent to their leaching onto our campaign," said Lester. "The minute they find out there's no paycheck, their feigned interest in our campaign evaporates and they're out the door so fast it'd make your head spin. We say 'good riddance' to them because our campaign to draft Jay is based on the kind of things money can't buy. Things like integrity, compassion, accountability, open-mindedness, and a great sense of humor--all of which Jay Leno has in abundance ready for an America that will have him as its president."

As John McCain's campaign sputters, and other campaigns follow suit by burning through countless millions of dollars in their vain pursuits to prop up weak candidates, there are sure to be hundreds of pink-slipped campaign staffers looking for jobs. The Jay Leno for President campaign, well-positioned to gain from every other campaign's loss, has a message for those seeking money, power, and glory from the our campaign: Not Hiring.

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