Jay's Position on Energy, Environment Revealed in Popular Mechanics Article
Jay Leno's position on two key presidential campaign issues, energy and the environment, were revealed to the public in an article he wrote for the September 2007 issue of Popular Mechanics Magazine. His comments in PM's Jay's Green Garage series mark one of the few times during the campaign Jay has spoken out on the issues, sparking speculation that he may be inching closer to a formal declaration of his intention to run for president.In the article entitled "Blowin' In The Wind," Jay demonstrated how he is leading by example, doing his part for energy conservation and the environment, by installing wind-driven turbines to generate electrical power for his garage near the San Gabriel mountains in California. The article gave PM readers and Jay Leno for President supporters a first-hand glimpse of Jay's personal commitment to solving this country's problems. It also shows the kind of leadership we can expect if this concerned and dedicated man becomes president.
"None of the other presidential candidates have put in wind-powered generators, super-efficient water heaters, or environmentally-friendly parts washers at their garages," remarked Jay Leno for President campaign chairman Howard Lester. "Jay's a man who's taking action on the environment and energy-conservation, he's not just talking about it. While Jay's spending tens of thousands of dollars of his own money at his facility to personally help improve the environment and cut energy consumption, Hillary, Mitt, Barack, and the others are busy spendings millions of dollars of other people's money to fund campaigns in which they just talk about it. So in a contest of talk versus action, doesn't that make Jay Leno the obvious choice?"
As the owner of a huge collection of classic and antique cars, Jay Leno has been a featured writer for Popular Mechanics, contributing his automotive views and ideas to millions of PM readers every month. Sharing his thoughts on the environment is nothing new for Jay. Several previous articles have detailed other initiatives Jay has taken at his large garage to do his part for the environment. But, the September PM article went further on the issue, an indication that Jay is sensitive to the feelings of his supporters and might soon accept their draft of him as a presidential candidate.
Acknowledging that there are people who believe in doing something about global warming and those who don't, Jay's own efforts with generating wind-powered electricity provide a solution that's good for both. Jay said it best in the PM article: "Either way, you're doing a good thing: Saving the environment and striving to be more self-sufficient, which is an important goal for all Americans."
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