Join the Campaign to Draft Jay Leno as a Presidential Candidate!
Jay Leno would make a much better president than any Democratic or Republican candidate. That's why millions have joined the grassroots campaign to draft Jay as a presidential candidate.

Jay’s got what no other candidate can offer, the ability to make people laugh. His humor and insights on important issues show that Jay has the understanding, intelligence, and compassion to help Americans feel great about their country and themselves.

So join us and help draft Jay
Leno as our presidential candidate.

With No Knowledge of Campaign, Jay Leno Still Leads the 2008 Field

With absolutely no acknowledgement of the campaign that wants to draft him as a presidential candidate, Jay Leno is still leading the crowded field of candidates in the 2008 race for president.

According to Jay Leno for President campaign chairman Howard Lester, Jay's lead over Republican and Democratic hopefuls has remained strong, even though it appears that Leno himself is unaware of the grassroots efforts to pursuade him to run for president. "We're pretty sure Jay still hasn't heard or read anything about this campaign," Lester said, "even though there are tens of millions of people who would like to see him run."

The fact that neither Jay Leno nor NBC has called or e-mailed campaign organizers appears of little consequence. "Actually, Jay's unawareness of the campaign may be helping his chances rather than hurting them," said one political insider. "He's so popular on the national scene, given half a chance, everyone would vote for him anyway. In Jay's case, playing 'hard-to-get' might turn out to be a very effective political strategy."

Whether Jay Leno's silence is part of a political strategy or not, the Jay Leno for President campaign is confident that they will hear from him. "Our phone number and e-mail address are posted on our website," said campaign chairman Lester, "so he'll know how to get in touch with us. When that happens, we'll let his supporters know and then we can really move this campaign into high gear."

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