Join the Campaign to Draft Jay Leno as a Presidential Candidate!
Jay Leno would make a much better president than any Democratic or Republican candidate. That's why millions have joined the grassroots campaign to draft Jay as a presidential candidate.

Jay’s got what no other candidate can offer, the ability to make people laugh. His humor and insights on important issues show that Jay has the understanding, intelligence, and compassion to help Americans feel great about their country and themselves.

So join us and help draft Jay
Leno as our presidential candidate.

Was Tuesday's Monologue a Hint Jay Will Run?

For months, millions of grassroots supporters of the Jay Leno for President campaign have wondered when Jay will announce his candidacy. His Tuesday (June 5) monologue may have given us all a clue.

Quipping about Fred Thompson's rise in popularity as a potential Republican presidential candidate, Jay said people get more popular after they decide to leave NBC and maybe that's what he'll need to do. Sounds like Jay's taken the first step toward acknowledging this campaign to draft him as a candidate! Let's go, Jay, your supporters and the rest of America are ready for you!

The Thompson story is also great news for Jay, because, if Thompson can gain third-place popularity in the Republican race without even declaring he's a candidate, imagine what Jay can do! Let's face it, Fred Thompson is a second-tier actor/celebrity these days who people have refer to by his role in a "Law & Order" for anyone to know who he is. Okay, being on NBC might have limited his prospects for becoming a worldwide entertainment icon, but then Thompson's unremarkable tenure as a U.S. Senator didn't burn him into the consciousness of the America public either.

Then there's Jay Leno. A top-of-the-top tier celebrity who is known and loved by billions worldwide. No need to reference his role on The Tonight Show to know who he is. Simply, Jay Leno is Jay Leno. Period. The fact that Jay hasn't been a politician before is actually a brilliant asset. Just look at Arnold Schwarzenegger or Ronald Reagan, Hollywood celebrities who made it big in politics. We're not implying Jay should align himself with Reagan or Schwarzenegger (though he does a damn good impersonation of Ahnold) or anyone or any party. Jay aligned only with "Jay for the American Way" is the best shot this country's got for getting back on track.

That's why Jay Leno should meet the challenge and accept the draft as a candidate for president. Jay's potential as a fabulously popular and immensely able leader is what will get him elected to the Oval Office. So, it's time for Jay to announce he's running right now!

There's lots of talk that Fred Thompson might announce his candidacy during his next appearance on The Tonight Show, just like Schwarzenegger did. We know lots of people will tune in for that show. So here's an idea for Jay: Howzabout right after Fred makes his little announcement, Jay waits for the applause to die down. Then he calmly, casually, makes his announcement and blows NBC, the entertainment industry, and American politics wide open.

What a plan, Jay. Whattaya say?

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